"rawSql":"SELECT\n creation_date AS \"time\",\n fee\nFROM shippings\nWHERE\n $__timeFilter(creation_date)\nORDER BY 1",
"title":"Maarch Courrier",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n p.label as \"Priorité\",\n\td.description as \"Type de document\",\n\tr.subject as \"Objet\",\n\tentTrait.entity_label as \"Service traitant\",\n\tagTrait.firstname || ' ' || agTrait.lastname as \"Agent traitant\",\n\tTO_CHAR(r.creation_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as \"Date de creation\",\n\tTO_CHAR(r.process_limit_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as \"Date limite de traitement\",\n\ts.label_status as \"Etat\",\n\tCASE WHEN ar.send_date IS NULL THEN 'AR non envoyé'\n WHEN (ar.send_date - r.creation_date)< INTERVAL '0 DAY' THEN 'AR en retard !'\n ELSE 'AR envoyé'\n END as \"Etat AR\",\n\tDATE_PART('day', ar.send_date - r.creation_date) as \"Delai AR (jour)\",\n TO_CHAR(r.closing_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as \"Date de cloture\",\n DATE_PART('day', r.closing_date - r.creation_date) as \"Delai de traitement (jour)\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nLEFT JOIN doctypes d ON r.type_id = d.type_id\nLEFT JOIN entities entTrait ON entTrait.entity_id = r.destination\nLEFT JOIN users agTrait ON agTrait.id = r.dest_user\nLEFT JOIN status s ON s.id = r.status\nLEFT JOIN priorities p ON p.id = r.priority\nLEFT JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON ar.res_id = r.res_id AND ar.send_date is NOT NULL\nWHERE r.status <> 'DEL'",
"title":"Nombre de Courriers",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n $__timeGroupAlias(creation_date,$__interval),\n count(res_id) AS \"Arrivés\"\nFROM res_letterbox\nWHERE\n $__timeFilter(creation_date) AND\n category_id <> 'outgoing'\nGROUP BY 1\nORDER BY 1",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n $__timeGroupAlias(creation_date,$__interval),\n count(res_id) AS \"Départs\"\nFROM res_letterbox\nWHERE\n $__timeFilter(creation_date) AND\n category_id = 'outgoing'\nGROUP BY 1\nORDER BY 1",
"title":"Flux entrants /sortants",
"noValue":"Vous êtes à jour !",
"rawSql":"SELECT \n r.res_id as \"Identifiant\",\n\tr.alt_identifier as \"Chrono\",\n\tr.subject as \"Objet\",\n\tagTrait.firstname || ' ' || agTrait.lastname as \"Agent traitant\",\n\tDATE_PART('day', process_limit_date - CURRENT_DATE) as \"Retard (jour)\"\nFROM res_letterbox r \nINNER JOIN users agTrait ON agTrait.id = r.dest_user\nWHERE closing_date is null and (process_limit_date - CURRENT_DATE) < INTERVAL '0 DAY'",
"title":"Courriers en retard",
"rawSql":"select count(1), destination, creation_date as \"time\" from res_letterbox where destination is not null AND $__timeFilter(creation_date) group by destination, creation_date",
"title":"Courriers par service",
"rawSql":"SELECT \n\tr.alt_identifier as \"Chrono\",\n\tr.subject as \"Objet\",\n\tagTrait.firstname || ' ' || agTrait.lastname as \"Agent traitant\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nINNER JOIN users agTrait ON agTrait.id = r.dest_user\nWHERE r.res_id NOT IN (\n\tSELECT res_id FROM acknowledgement_receipts WHERE send_date is NOT NULL\n)",
"title":"AR à envoyer",
"nullPointMode":"null as zero",
"rawSql":"SELECT \n count(ar.res_id) as \"AR généré\",\n date_trunc('month', r.creation_date) as \"time\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nLEFT JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON r.res_id = ar.res_id AND ar.creation_date is not null\nGROUP BY time",
"rawSql":"SELECT \n count(ar.res_id) as \"AR envoyé à temps\",\n date_trunc('month', r.creation_date) as \"time\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nINNER JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON r.res_id = ar.res_id AND ar.send_date is not null and (process_limit_date - ar.send_date) > INTERVAL '0 DAY'\nGROUP BY time",
"title":"AR (en fonction de la date de création du courrier)",
"rawSql":"SELECT \n AVG(DATE_PART('day', ar.send_date - r.creation_date)) as \"Delai AR (jour)\",\n date_trunc('month', r.creation_date) as \"time\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nINNER JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON r.res_id = ar.res_id AND ar.send_date is not null\nGROUP BY time",
"title":"Délai moyen AR (en fonction de la date de creation du courrier)",
"rawSql":"SELECT DATE_PART('day', ar.send_date - r.creation_date) as \"Delai (jour)\" FROM res_letterbox r\nINNER JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON r.res_id = ar.res_id\nWHERE ar.send_date is not null",
"title":"Delai Moyen AR (en jour)",
"rawSql":"SELECT (count(1) * 100) / (SELECT count(1)\nFROM res_letterbox r\nINNER JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON ar.res_id = r.res_id\nWHERE ar.send_date is not null AND $__timeFilter(r.creation_date)\n) as \"total\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nINNER JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON ar.res_id = r.res_id\nWHERE ar.send_date is not null and (process_limit_date - ar.send_date) > INTERVAL '0 DAY' AND $__timeFilter(r.creation_date)",
"title":"% AR envoyé à temps",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n AVG(DATE_PART('day', closing_date - creation_date)) as \"Délai moyen de clôture (jour)\",\n date_trunc('month', closing_date) as \"time\"\nFROM res_letterbox\nWHERE closing_date is not null group by time",
"title":"Délai moyen de clôture (en fonction de la date de clôture)",
"rawSql":"SELECT \n count(res_id) as \"Courriers traités\",\n date_trunc('month', creation_date) as \"time\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nWHERE closing_date is NOT NULL\nGROUP BY time",
"rawSql":"SELECT \n count(res_id) as \"Courriers traités dans les délais\",\n date_trunc('month', creation_date) as \"time\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nWHERE closing_date is NOT NULL AND (process_limit_date - closing_date) > INTERVAL '0 DAY'\nGROUP BY time",
"title":"Courriers traités (en fonction de la date de création)",
"displayName":"Delai AR (jour)"
"rawSql":"SELECT\n p.label as \"Priorité\",\n\td.description as \"Type de document\",\n\tr.subject as \"Objet\",\n\tentTrait.entity_label as \"Service traitant\",\n\tagTrait.firstname || ' ' || agTrait.lastname as \"Agent traitant\",\n\tTO_CHAR(r.creation_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as \"Date de creation\",\n\tTO_CHAR(r.process_limit_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as \"Date limite de traitement\",\n\ts.label_status as \"Etat\",\n\tCASE WHEN ar.send_date IS NULL THEN 'AR non envoyé'\n WHEN (ar.send_date - r.creation_date)< INTERVAL '0 DAY' THEN 'AR en retard !'\n ELSE 'AR envoyé'\n END as \"Etat AR\",\n\tDATE_PART('day', ar.send_date - r.creation_date) as \"Delai AR (jour)\",\n TO_CHAR(r.closing_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as \"Date de cloture\",\n DATE_PART('day', r.closing_date - r.creation_date) as \"Delai de traitement (jour)\"\nFROM res_letterbox r\nLEFT JOIN doctypes d ON r.type_id = d.type_id\nLEFT JOIN entities entTrait ON entTrait.entity_id = r.destination\nLEFT JOIN users agTrait ON agTrait.id = r.dest_user\nLEFT JOIN status s ON s.id = r.status\nLEFT JOIN priorities p ON p.id = r.priority\nLEFT JOIN acknowledgement_receipts ar ON ar.res_id = r.res_id AND ar.send_date is NOT NULL\nWHERE r.status <> 'DEL' AND $__timeFilter(r.creation_date);",